Monday, June 25, 2012

Chill From Switzerland

Flashworx is worxing on some new stuff and I thought this would be the perfect time to promote their upcoming releases. The dudes from Flashworx were kind enough to answer my email interview questions despite being so busy.

Disco Arcade: You said on your soundcloud profile that you describe your music as "melodic nu italo". Where do you get inspiration for your music?
Flashworx: We get the inspiration of 80's soundtrack music, advertising. But we don't try to be really authentic, in a way to reproduce the same sound. We want to have more of our own sound and be free to innovate every time and to try new things with our music.
DA: Do you think that the internet will boost your popularity as it makes your music more and more accessible?
FW: Thanks to internet we can share our music faster than ever but the coolest thing is that you can communicate with other musicians from all over the world and make nice connections, for example with Jordan F, and many others (that I'll not mention here in case I forget someone)
DA: How do you think that internet-based music promotion (such as music blogs and sites like SoundCloud) will shape the future of the music industry?
FW: I think that the future is "listen free, pay if you support". many artists are leaving labels and selling their music with Bandcamp, Vibedeck and others website on their own. With those websites you can know your real fan base and be in contact with them and know what they'd like more of in your music. I think the relation between the artist and the fan is really important nowadays!
DA: Where did the name for the album "Two Guys in Japan" come from?
FW: We went to Japan, and we've been "traumatized", that's our tribute to those emotions!
 DA: What are a few artists that you guys listen to?
FW: We're big fans of Chromeo, we listen very different kinds of music... but we really underestimate Neon Workout music, he really deserves more credit!
DA: You mentioned working on some new projects. What should we expect from you guys?
FW: We will release our 1st album after the summer! Some gigs are also planned. Anthony is working on a new project called "MIRANA" with a newcomer singer, it's a band project with 3 demos already avalaible, an album also for the next year!

Here are a couple sweet tracks from Flashworx and Anthony Hammer's side project, "MIRANA". Hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 8, 2012

You'll Be Dancin' Mon

I totally forgot about Van She. These guys can sing and pwn the keys at the same time. They make some great music that will be remixed a million times (you know it). Congrats to Van She for a great song that will go down into the electronic music record books.